Challenging Journeys

Bad trips happen but aren’t necessarily bad, just difficult since you must face your shadow so you can level up! Remember, you can’t see details of a whole picture when ignoring the dark parts, therefore by integrating challenging journeys correctly they become a blessing in disguise.

The mushroom spirit will always inform you whether you’re tapped into the truth of your soul or not. If you are, then you’ll have a wonderful voyage, assuring your alignment, but if not, you’ll end up with an arduous trip aka wake up call that’ll reveal what needs to be adjusted to tap you back into your fullest potential. During those times, be an observer and allow whatever emotion arising to just flow through you without attachment, while simultaneously listening to what the wisdom of the mushroom is communicating. That way, you can make the necessary changes and let go of whatever perspectives have been holding you back from your best self. Remember, as humans we carry light and dark features, both of which are tremendously helpful when navigating life. Although, at times, we are not balancing the yin and yang accurately. Difficult journeys give you the chance to resolve this issue. It might feel heavy after the trip and you may have the blues, it’s normal. Allow yourself to cry, let the tears reflect what needs to be figured out and nourish the seeds of your bright future. You’re navigating through this for a reason. Make time for rest, so you have energy to alchemize and persevere with patience. Suddenly, with the right intentions, you’ll notice everything change, for the better.