First Time Guide

Greetings brilliant soul! What an honor it is to lead you on your first exploration.

 Before we begin, it is important to understand the concept of set and setting. 

 Set: is the mindset, or internal environment containing your thoughts, emotions and intentions one brings into the journey. Meaning, if you’ve very recently been struck by a calamitous situation such as a nasty break up, losing your job or a loved one, it will not be the best state of mind to explore and you might end up with a difficult trip; which we don’t want for your initial experience! It’s always safer to enter when you’re in an uplifting spirit, especially for beginners. Once you’re experienced and know what to expect, then you can dive deeper into all aspects of your psyche.

 Setting: is the surrounding, or external environment including the physical space, and general conditions you’re exposed to during a trip. Stay away from city life, since noise pollution severely messes with a harmonious atmosphere. Make sure you’re setting a serene scene in a secure place where there will be no interruptions. Venturing in the safety of a home with a competent and trustworthy friend is ideal. If you want to go outside, feel free to do so by going for a walk or having your trip sitter take you into nature or somewhere peaceful.

Onto Dosage: depending on how sensitive you are, it is recommended consuming up to a gram, waiting an hour before taking another gram. If you’re enjoying yourself and feel comfortable, take a third gram on the third hour but stop there. Remember, since it is your first time, keep it light. You want to dip your toes into the mystical realm, just to get a sense of awe, and gain enough curiosity which will make the idea of a second trip a lot more exciting.

Here is an estimate of how long each dose will last:

1 g = 2-4 hrs

2 g = 4-6 hrs

3 g = 6-8 hrs 

(Be advised that if you are at risk or have history of psychosis, mania or schizophrenia in your family, please get in touch with professionals who can provide specific directions on how to navigate your situation.)

Lastly, please don't eat too much food before your trip as it will dampen the effects of the magic, but don't consume shrooms on a completely empty stomach either. Eating a light meal a few hours before can reduce the likelihood of nauseous effect.

If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Mush Love!