Macrodose Manual

Macrodosing can be incredibly advantageous as this mushroom entheogen invites you on a profoundly transformative journey into the depths of your psyche. Magic mushrooms can unlock a portal to the unseen world, revealing your full potential but it is up to the individual to make the integrative effort.

If not done or applied correctly, the benefits tend to be elusive. Psilocybin is a tool after all, that needs to be utilized right. Just like a car can be used to safely and efficiently get you from point A to B or to crash and kill yourself and others in the process, equally can psilocybin be interpreted. Everything has a value, and you as a creator, decide what kind of value you assign to the world around you through your actions. So choose wisely by reading these next bits of knowledge to the best of your ability, beginning with set and setting.

Set and Setting

Set is the mindset, or internal environment containing one’s thoughts, emotions and intentions brought into the journey. Meaning, if you’ve very recently been struck by a calamitous situation be mindful of having the right support system when journeying or waiting for a positive chapter of your life when you’re in a more uplifting spirit. This is all dependent on your level of experience with psychedelics. Regardless, it’s imperative to set the right intent as to what you want to achieve when exploring divine dimensions.

 Setting is the surrounding, or external environment including the physical space, and general conditions you’re exposed to during a trip. Try to stay away from any type of inundating atmosphere with too much noise pollution as it can severely mess with a harmonious trip. Make sure you’re setting a serene scene in a secure place where there will be no interruptions such as the safety and peace of your home. But if you feel confident enough to venture into the world, for instance a music festival, beach or nature hike, please do so responsibly. This is once again completely contingent upon your level of experience and what you feel most at ease with.


Depending on strength of the strain and your tolerance, usually anything above 2-3 grams is going to provide a proper macrodose, taking you on a major spiritual voyage. If you’re a beginner start low and for the seasoned psychonaut who really wants to break through, dosing beyond 4-5 grams is doable when accounting for the correct set and setting. Just be prepared to uncover whatever lies within your unconscious.

Integration Period

Research indicates that it takes 7-14 days for psilocybin tolerance to fully reset. This period allows for the affected serotonin receptors to gradually return to their baseline sensitivity, but a biological reset is not the only factor needing consideration when determining how long to wait in between journeys. Rushing into your next spiritual expedition without sufficient time to process and incorporate whatever deep insights were made in the previous one can impede long term benefits while creating unwanted or adverse effects. Therefore, it’s paramount to allocate enough time for reflection and integration of your set intentions so waiting at least 2 months after a significant trip, is highly recommended. Remember, too much of anything is not ideal; even indulging water can jeopardize your health and same goes for this ancestral technology. It’s always better to take breaks, apply lessons and soak up new information from your life, that way you have a plethora of information to properly process when re-entering the mystical realm. Not only will the spiritual experience have a greater impact but also be more meaningful and salient.