Microdose Manual

Microdosing, when used right, is a great way to experience the upside of magic mushrooms, without the trippy effects. In small doses, psilocybin can be a powerful tool to alleviate depression and anxiety while increasing creativity and flow by focusing you into the present moment. There are many useful methods when microdosing but before listing them it's imperative to note that it should be utilized in symbiosis with other healthy habits such as setting intentions, journaling, time in nature, therapy, shadow integration, meditation, breath-work, exercise, creative expression, community and so on and so forth. You should not expect it to be the silver bullet that will fix all your problems; rather a way to enhance existence and/or the healing process.

Benefits May Include

(but aren’t limited to)

1.  Mental

  • Getting to the root of maladaptive patterns of thought, and taking responsibility for them, subsequently creating new and favorable neural pathways while pruning old and defective ones.

  • Decreased procrastination and improved productivity through an increase in concentration and focus, fostering better decision making.

2.  Emotional

  • Alleviation of triggers, stress, and anxiety promoting optimistic perspectives, and cultivating greater gratitude.

  • Advanced clarity about one’s sentience resulting in the ability to deal with all feelings and integrate their significance.

3.  Physical

  • Relief of tension and pain, including PMS symptoms, as well as enhanced and peaceful sleep which in turn reduces fatigue.

  • Elevated physical energy, including an amplified athletic flow empowered by a much more graceful mind/body connection.

4.  Spiritual

  • Strengthened relation to the universe via an encouragement of openness, wonder, humility and compassion; further expanding awareness and precise presence, helping to curb addictive behaviors.

  • Magnified imagination and talents, enabling creative ideas, a fun childlike state of play and development of skill sets.

Methods to Facilitate Your Ascension Timeline

1. Fadiman Protocol/Beginners Protocol: provides an excellent basis to initiate the microdosing journey. Dose every 3 days for 4-8 weeks followed by a 2-4 week break before restarting the cycle.

DAY 1: Microdosing day

DAY 2: Transition/Reflection day

DAY 3: Transition/Reflection day

DAY 4: Microdosing day

CYCLE: Continue for 1 to 2 months

RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest and reflection

REPEAT: Restart schedule adjusting accordingly

2. Two Days a Week: the Fadiman Protocol can be less than ideal for some, as dosing days change every week. If that’s the case, then this schedule might be a better fit. Simply choose 2 days of the week to microdose with at least one transition/reflection day between them. Continue for 1-2 months, then take a 2-4 week break before repeating.

FIRST DAY: Microdose on a day of your choice

TRANSITION DAY: Have at least one day in between

SECOND DAY: Microdose on a another day of your choice in the same week

CYCLE: Continue for 1 to 2 months

RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest and reflection

REPEAT: Restart schedule adjusting accordingly

3. Every Other Day: Individuals microdosing for medical reasons such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, migraines or cluster headaches will benefit from dosing every other day.

DAY 1: Microdosing day

DAY 2: Transition/Reflection day

DAY 3: Microdosing day

DAY 4: Transition/Reflection day

CYCLE: Continue for 1 to 2 months

RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest and reflection

REPEAT: Restart cycle adjusting accordingly

4. Weekend Microdosing: With this schedule, microdosing is limited to weekends, often chosen to align with times when creative, social or introspective activities are pursued, while maintaining normal routines during the work week.

SATURDAY: Microdosing day

SUNDAY: Microdosing day

WEEKDAYS: Transition/Reflection days

CYCLE: Continue for 1 to 2 months

RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest and reflection

REPEAT: Restart cycle adjusting accordingly

5. Five Days On, Two Days Off: This schedule involves taking a microdose for five consecutive days in order to assist your work flow followed by two days off which usually falls on the weekend, allowing for a break.

Day 1: Microdosing day

Day 2: Microdosing day

Day 3: Microdosing day

Day 4: Microdosing day

Day 5: Microdosing day

Day 6: Transition/Reflection day

Day 7: Transition/Reflection day

CYCLE: Continue for 1 to 2 months

RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest and reflection

REPEAT: Restart cycle adjusting accordingly

6. Nightcap: Some individuals find success in dosing every other night, an hour or two before bed for a good nights rest. Those doing so report having vivid dreams and waking up renewed with a clear mind.

DAY 1: Microdosing 'nightcap' evening

DAY 2: Transition/Reflection day

DAY 3: Microdosing 'nightcap' evening

DAY 4: Transition/Reflection day

CYCLE: Continue for 1 to 2 months

RESET: 2 to 4 weeks of rest and reflection

REPEAT: Restart cycle adjusting accordingly

7. Intuitive dosing: with this method, you decide how and when you want to microdose. The only rule is to leave at least one day between dosing days as to keep your tolerance in check.

Proper Dosage

Everyone has a unique tolerance and strength of the strain can also influence how much to take, but the usual formula is 10-20 percent of one’s regular dose. So if 2 or 3.5 g is what you usually take for a macrodose, then .2-.4 or .35-.7 g would be an ideal microdose. Once you get past .8-1 g, it'll become more psychedelic. If you’re a complete beginner then start low at .15 g, as less is more, and find your way to a final measurement.


Don’t eat after consuming your dose or take the capsules on a full stomach as it will dampen or completely reduce the effects.