Nutritional Value

Magic Mushrooms can heal the mind, body, soul and spirit. All the way from your connection with source, to DNA, blood, skin and bones. This is because psilocybin cubensis mushrooms contain more beneficial elements than just its Psychedelic Particles:

  • Psilocybin - Primary psychoactive compound and precursor that converts to psilocin and induces psychedelic effects.

  • Psilocin - Active metabolite of psilocybin acting on serotonin receptors in your brain responsible for altered states and hallucinogenic effects.

  • Norpsilocin - Active metabolite and derivative of both psilocin and baeocystin, possessing psychedelic properties, affecting perception, mood, and cognition.

  • Baeocystin - Structurally related to psilocybin and psilocin with psychedelic potential.

  • Norbaeocystin - Another element similar to psilocybin with therapeutic potential.

  • Aeruginascin - Relatively lesser-known psychoactive compound structurally related to psilocybin and given its structural similarity, it is speculated to have psychedelic properties.

If you weren’t aware, keep on reading to be informed about all the advantages of the fruiting body as well. Starting with Essential Nutrients:

  • Chitin - Natural polymer found in the cell walls of fungi. Moreover, it’s a dietary fiber with potential benefits in digestive aid. Due to Chitin’s difficulty in being broken down it can help slow the absorption of psilocybin, reducing the intensity of a trip and making it more manageable.

  • Calcium - Vital mineral for the human body as it strengthens bones and teeth, supports muscle function, aids nerve operation and regulates blood pressure.

  • Phosphorus - Essential mineral involved in efficient nerve communication and cellular function, including DNA and RNA synthesis and energy production in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) the primary energy currency within cells, enabling muscle contractions required for movement, breathing and circulation. Also builds and strengthens bones and teeth, while maintaining the body’s acid-base balance, crucial for overall health.

  • Potassium - Another essential mineral preserving bone health and density. Helps the heart beat regularly, supports muscle capacity for movement and breathing, balances fluids in and around your cells, sustains the nervous system allowing for cells to communicate effectively, reduces blood pressure and risk of hypertension, aids in kidney function and waste removal from the body.

  • Beta Carotene - Precursor to Vitamin-A, is necessary to preserve healthy vision, skin and immune system. Also acts as antioxidants in the body protecting cells from damage.

  • Niacin - Also known as Vitamin B3, aids and maintains a healthy metabolism and digestion, nourishes skin, lowers cholesterol, supports proper neurological function of the nervous system.

  • Panthothenic Acid - Also known as Vitamin B5, is a key component in the synthesis of coenzyme A, which plays a central role in various cellular processes, such as your metabolism converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins effectively into energy. Furthermore, it assists the production of fatty acids (vital in the development of cell membranes and enabling energy storage), amino acids (building blocks of proteins) and neurotransmitters (specifically acetylcholine, which is involved in nerve signaling). In addition, it helps synthesis of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells responsible for oxygen transport. Lastly it improves the skin’s protective barrier, promoting nourished skin and reducing inflammation. May also assist in the body’s ability to repair and heal damaged tissues, including skin wounds.

  • Folate - Also known as Vitamin B9, is used in the body to make amino acids which supports cell division, DNA synthesis, growth as well as genetic repair. Also needed to produce red blood cells ensuring oxygen is transported throughout the body. Helps regulate levels of homocysteine in the blood, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. May also decrease vulnerability to depression and cognitive decline, supporting mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Vitamin D - Essential vitamin which helps the body absorb calcium, fight off infections and diseases, also improves mood and reduces risk of depression, additionally contributes to heart health by regulating blood pressure, increasing muscle function and strength while lowering risk of autoimmune disorders.

    Finally, proceeding to Antioxidants:

  • Ergothioneine - Helps protect cells from oxidative damage, promoting anti-aging effects in the body, preventing cancer, cardiovascular or neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

  • Glutathione - Contributes to repairing damaged cells and DNA. Enhances immune function, aiding the body’s detoxification process in removing harmful substances and toxins. Reducing inflammation and promoting cellular health and longevity.

    There hasn’t been enough research done to pan out exactly what percentage of the listed nutrients are contained within magic mushrooms, but this specific type of fungus certainly is composed of the mentioned compounds. Meaning, upon consuming Flesh of the Gods, you’re not just ingesting spiritual wisdom but also an abundance of nutritional value.

    It’s also worth highlighting that any sort of extract or tincture version of this plant medicine will not carry the full benefits of the fruiting body due to its extraction process removing most if not all of the advantageous particles. Something to keep in mind as you make future selections.