Set and Setting

Set is the mindset, or internal environment containing one’s thoughts, emotions and intentions brought into the trip. Meaning, if you’ve very recently been struck by unfortunate circumstances, be mindful of having the right support system when journeying or waiting for a more uplifting chapter. This is all dependent on your level of experience with entheogens. Regardless, it’s imperative to set the right intent as to what you want to achieve when exploring divine dimensions.

 Setting is the surrounding, or external environment including the physical space, and general conditions you’re exposed to during a psychedelic voyage. Stay away from any type of inundating atmosphere with too much noise pollution as it can severely mess with a harmonious trip. Make sure you’re setting a serene scene in a secure place where there will be no interruptions such as the safety and peace of your home. But if you feel confident enough to venture into the world, for instance a music festival, beach or nature hike, please do so responsibly. This is once again completely contingent upon your level of experience and what you feel most at ease with.