How Magic Works

Most of us are familiarized with the fact that psilocybin is a particle found to produce mystical experiences. Additionally, the vast majority now know that psilocybin is not the main star of the show, in fact, on its own it is biologically dormant, and will be activated when introduced to really strong acid such as the kind in your stomach. Once ingested, your digestion transforms psilocybin via a process called dephosphorylation into the active byproduct psilocin. With this convergence psilocin has become a small enough molecule to be allowed passage through your blood brain barrier. Attaching to serotonin receptors in one’s cerebrum to then provide a psychedelic journey.

This is why Lemon tek is such an efficient means of magic consumption. When shrooms are mixed with the acidity of lemon juice prior to intake, it expedites the transformation from psilocybin to psilocin; making more psilocin available for your body to absorb after intake. Lemon tek essentially reduces the onset and offset time while also shortening and intensifying the trip.

Moving on to how psilocin impacts your brain chemistry on a molecular level.

    Essentially psilocin is an agonist mimicking serotonin neurotransmitters, which easily bind to and trigger specific serotonin (5-HT) receptors including:
5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5HT1D, 5-HT1E, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, 5-HT2C, 5-HT3, 5-HT5, 5-HT6, 5-HT7

The impact of psilocin on each receptor is:



-regulation of body temperature and modification of pupil size

-decreased blood pressure, heart rate, penile erection, aggression, impulsivity, hunger and drug seeking behavior

-increased sociability

-facilitation of sex drive and arousal

-prolonged REM sleep latency

-reversal of anxiety and depression


-inhibits release of dopamine

-regulates a range of neurological, physiological, and pathological processes, including addiction, migraine, and sleep

-associated with a range of neurological functions, including mood, memory, aggression, stress sensibility, and anxiety


-regulation of motor skills (movement) and anxiety

-inducement of vasoconstriction, narrowing of blood vessels, in the brain


-memory regulation


-neuronal excitation


-out of body experiences

-anti-inflammatory effects in several tissues

-increased hormone levels of oxytocin (love hormone), prolactin (mammary gland development), ACTH (cortisol/stress regulator), corticosterone (activates metabolism, stress and adaptation), and renin (maintains healthy blood pressure)

-smooth muscle contraction in gut


-maintains viability and efficiency of the cardiac valve leaflets

-involved in inhibition of serotonin and dopamine uptake

-regulates cardiac structure and functions


-restriction of dopamine (pleasure) and norepinephrine (fight or flight) release in certain areas of brain

-regulation of mood, anxiety, hunger, and reproductive behavior


-involved in information transfer within the gastrointestinal tract and regulation of gut mobility

-plays roles in a variety of functions including emesis, cognition and anxiety


-speculated to be involved in motor control, feeding, anxiety, depression, learning, memory consolidation, adaptive behavior, and brain development


-alleviation of depression and/or anxiety

-enhancement or impairment of memory and cognition


-regulate mood, circadian rhythms, sleep, learning, and memory

 As you may have noticed, psilocin can have some contradictory effects, so it’s vital to disclose that not everyone will find the same results from magic. Depending on your genes, upbringing, lifestyle, state of mind, surroundings and numerous other variables, psilocin will react to your being in various ways. That's why it's imperative to utilize this powerful ancient medicine with pure intentions; mindfully preparing for every aspect of set and setting.